
A strong portrait can project the strength of a leader, the empathetic nature of a therapist, or the fierceness of a small business owner.

A professional portrait photographer can capture the essence of a person's character while producing a technically perfect composition. Your business needs to look it’s best at all times. Having professional photos of you and your team can highlight your individual strengths and bring you to the next level. Let me help you achieve this. 

Below you’ll find selected work I’ve done for pH AlchemyFoxhole Public House, Marlon Blackwell ArchitectsSleet City Signwriting, and numerous other portrait photography projects, including my Habitats series.

When you’re ready to talk, you can get in touch via my contact form

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View more portrait photography on my Instagram @katographic

Get In Touch

Contact me anytime to discuss a photography project. I’d love to hear what you’re working on, and how I can help.

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